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1.0 Research Background

The availability of horizontal milling machine for over period of

years in educational institutions has been a determining factor in

practical engineering and the rate of practical engineering courses

in the educational institutions cannot be over emphasized. Practical

exercises enhance students understanding of the operational

principles of various machines and equipment as well as

experimental procedures.

Over the years successful student in mechanical engineering

graduated with excellent practical backgrounds but as the years

run by the standard begin to fall due to the non-functional and

obsolete of these machines. Therefore graduates in recent years

knows little or nothing about practical knowledge on working

principle of the machine and how to operate it however this has

not limited the productive aspect of graduate in mechanical

engineering to perform their function as expected. The purpose of

the present study is therefore to ascertain the short comings

associated with the horizontal milling machine leading to the

research work.

Milling machines carry specifications for spindle performance

movement and table size. Spindle speed is the rotational speed

range of the spindle head. Drive power is the rated power of the

turbine electric motor or reciprocating engine which drives the

spindle. The number of tools which the tool magazine supports is

also an important consideration. Simple machines accommodate

only one machine tool maximum x-axis travel maximum T-axis

travel and maximum Z-axis travel. In terms of table size the

length of the table is measured parallel to the main axis of

movement. The width of the table is measured perpendicular to

the main axis of movement (Chapman 1975).

1.1 Statement of the Problem

The horizontal milling machine was not functioning for over two

decades hence operational principle of the machine could not be

demonstrated to students in other words the machine was not in


1.2 Aim and Objectives of the Project

The aim of this project is to provide the student with the

opportunity of acquiring practical knowledge of the operation and

use of horizontal milling machine.


i. To contribute to the development of engineering machines

and knowledge.

ii. To increase the number of machines that will be available for

workshop practice.

iii. To enable us to get practical experience and the problems

that are common with horizontal milling machine and its

components as well.

1.3 Significance of Study

● It makes it possible for the up-grading of horizontal milling


● Improve the facilities and performance of the old machine


● The machine serves as an instructional material for students

during workshop practice. The use of machine tool for

instruction enhances more understanding of students.

1.4 Scope and Limitation

This project is confined to the refurbishing of horizontal milling

machine. The case study is limited only to the fault diagnosis of

the machine in machine shop of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Kaduna Polytechnic.

1.5 Methodology

Different methods were adopted in obtaining data and information

for the execution of this report. This includes review of related

literature textbooks browsing the internet journals and past


Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    national diploma (nd)

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